Regarding the recently discovered hole in my heart....
I saw the cardiologist yesterday, and she assured me the hole in my heart was not anything worth worrying about. It does increase my risk for stroke, but I'm already being treated for an elevated stroke risk because of my atrial fibrillation--so I'm covered. She told me the hole and my heart arrhythmia are entirely separate conditions--one did not cause the other.
The immediate goal is to keep my a-fib episodes under control by adjusting my medication dosage and schedule. If that doesn't do it, then I'll have to have additional testing done, and consult with a specialist.
A part of me will always wish for a permanent solution to my heart problems, but that's not the likely outcome. For now I need to be grateful that things aren't worse, that we have some treatment options, and that for the most part, I'm doing OK.
Thanks to all of you for your concern and support.