(Trying to get in touch with my inner fit and healthy self, I’m sipping tea and reading a yoga magazine. Nine-year-old E-Grrrl is looking at it over my shoulder.)
E-Grrrl, pointing to a photo of a woman wearing a strappy, yoga top: “That shirt is really pretty, but” she adds with a sigh “it’s not really appropriate for someone YOUR age.” Wistful pause. “I’ve always wondered what you looked like when you were young.”
Eleven-year-old Mr. A chimes in: “I’ve seen pictures of her when she was younger and let me tell you, she looked A LOT better then.”
I resist the urge to tell him it's no coincidence that I’ve been aging in dog years since he was born. Instead I get in touch with my inner child and give him a nice pinch. There now, I feel like my MUCH YOUNGER self.
February 6, 2007
Copyright 2007 Veronica McCabe Deschambault and V-Grrrl in the Middle. All rights reserved.