Spring cleaning
April 2, 2007 at 11:10
V-Grrrl in Leftovers

OK, the title’s not accurate. I’m not exactly engaged in spring cleaning yet; I’m immersed in organizing at this point. As every domestic goddess knows, you can’t really clean until you declutter. Step by step.

I’ve gone through the kids clothes, discarded or passed on what they don’t need, and have gotten them outfitted for summer. This week I’m going through my own clothes and packing up everything that doesn’t fit me right now. Sigh. I’m trying to look on the bright side: I now have lots of room in my closet and the motivation to walk a bit more and eat a bit less.

Today I tackled the attic storage room, packing up the winter clothes into Rubbermaid containers, and pulling out spring fare. I still have to go through the stacks of children’s artwork that I’ve been piling in there. I’ll also be reacquainting myself with our stash of spare toiletries and office supplies so I don’t keep buying the same things over and over again. And I’ll be peering into the mysterious cardboard boxes, seeing if what’s out of sight and out of mind is worth keeping I already discovered a box of cassette tapes. I don’t even own a cassette player anymore!

My biggest nerdy accomplishment? Over the weekend, I caught up putting photos in photo albums. I even took the time to pull out my travel guide books to make sure I was correctly remembering and spelling the names of places we had visited. Oh it felt good to slide the last photo into place and put the album on the bookshelf.

I still have to do the kids albums. I’m creating a set for each of them using copies of my best photos. I don’t scrapbook the photos, but it still takes time to label them. I find if I leave the albums out on the dining room table and work on them in short increments throughout the week, it seems less overwhelming. Of course that means the table is a mess. Hey, you can’t have everything.

Bit by bit. I may have tortoise-like tendencies but remember: “Slow and steady wins the race.” With a little luck, I’ll get to the spring cleaning by summer. ; )

April 2, 2007

© 2007 Veronica McCabe Deschambault and V-Grrrl in the Middle. All rights reserved.

Article originally appeared on Compost Studios (http://v-grrrl.squarespace.com/).
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