V-Grrrl: Well Keyboard, E wasn't happy that I aired dirty family secrets on my blog last night. After I cleaned up the toilet, I had to come back and clean up my original entry because he said I'd gone too far. He gave me that "I hate potty mouth" look.
Keyboard: Well, V-Grrrl, you should be proud for standing up for hygiene and decency even if you did BETRAY YOUR OWN CHILDREN'S PRIVACY.
V-Grrrl: Well, if you don't want your toilet habits made public, you should clean up after YOURSELF in private. What I don't know about, I can't write about--see my logic?
Keyboard: I guess. You're not going to tell everyone how many grams of sandwich crumbs I'm hiding down here are you?
V-Grrrl: No way! Then they'd think I was an Internet addict, always eating at my desk, and we know that I AM NOT A COMPUTER ADDICT, right, Keyboard?
Keyboard: Of course, you're not, V. You just can't get enough of ME and all the stuff I help you write.
V-Grrrl: True! Every day you bring my words to life.
Keyboard: Even the nasty ones.
V-Grrrl: Even the nasty ones. Thanks Keyboard. Where would I be without your loyalty--and the delete key?
May 23, 2007