As we prepare for the movers to arrive this week, my days are peppered with interesting discoveries:
The key to my bicycle lock, found in my desk drawer, the very place I searched for it last summer. It was MIA for so long we had to cut the lock off the bike.
A corduroy bootie that my now 12-year-old son wore as a baby. Missing its mate, of course. How did this end up in Belgium? We moved here when my son was nine!
More than 30 tapers, 100 tealights, and 20 pillar candles. Um, do you think I have enough?
In addition to all the art I brought over from America, I bought FIFTEEN framed pieces in Europe. Four in England, eight in Belgium, three in Italy. Plus a Belgian tapestry from Brugge and three framed Delft tiles from Holland. Can you see where my shopping priorities are?
How did I end up with more than a dozen rolls of gift wrap? There's also a gigantic Rubbermaid box of gift wrap in storage in the U.S. I think I need to give more gifts! Or buy less gift wrap. Whatever.
Do I really still have left over Winnie-the-Pooh plates and forks from my 10-year-old's first birthday?
How many baskets of seashells does one person need? Should I throw them away or bury them in the backyard for archeologists to puzzle over in the next century?
Why is there a Trojan in my desk drawer?
Does anyone use diskettes anymore?
Is my personal CD player collectible? It was the first one put out by Sony.
Ah, so that's where all my sunglasses disappeared to.
Explain to me why I have three jars of pimentos in my pantry.
If I throw out this glove, will the mate turn up tomorrow?
Is there a support group for people who own this much Tupperware?
How will I function without my desk--the spot in the house I lovingly refer to as "Mission Control?"
Hello! Another box of candles?! Should I have a bonfire tonight?
Holiday decorations take up so much room. I need to become a Jehovah's Witness.
Can I be sedated and not brought back to consciousness until we've crossed the Atlantic and the house in Virginia is set up?
January 13, 2008