Celebrating E-Grrrl

Today my baby girl is eight years old. When she rolls out of bed, she is kissed, hugged, and showered with presents. We hang streamers, decorate the table, send cupcakes into school, and prepare all her favorite foods at meal time. Her best friend will join us for dinner and cake and ice cream and those two giggling girls will be tucked in under the eaves in the attic bedroom tonight for a sleepover.
As E-Grrrl coasts through what I hope will be a golden day, she has little idea what this day means to me. From all appearances, it is her celebration and her big day, but in my heart, it’s my celebration, my day. It’s hard to write about motherhood without drowning in clichés. The bond I feel with my children is bigger than the words and emotions I attach to it. It is primal, the very essence of all that matters, all that I believe in and care enough about to sacrifice and fight for.
So let me say this: today my heart is ricocheting with joy for the gift of this girly girl. From her silky blonde hair to her big wide feet, I adore every inch of her, inside and out. I’m amazed I’m her mother, I’m thrilled to share her life, and when I was holding her hand this morning at the bus stop and saw a rainbow grace the sky, I felt like Heaven was celebrating E-Grrrl too.
September 30, 2005

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