The Liberation of V-Grrrl

V-Grrrl, ever the picture of moderation, has been in the middle for so long she even bores herself. It’s sad to keep a (mostly) good grrrl down. After weeks of having her blog languishing on Yahoo, V-Grrrl is planning to escape her anonymous existence in the suburbs of the Web and get a piece of real estate in the middle of the Internet. Yes, V-Grrrl wants to play in traffic!
I’m working with my friend and former colleague, Charlene, to build V-Grrrl a custom home of her own on the Web. Char is going to help create a more interesting and personal graphic design for my new Web site. We’ve located software that will let me better present and organize content, so I can archive blog entries into thrilling categories like: Fights with My Family, Twisted Takes on Christian Theology, Girl World, Sentimental Gush Inspired by My Perfect Children, Psychiatric Events Inspired by My Imperfect Children, Near Death Driving Experiences, Things to Feel Guilty About, Funny—in Every Sense of the Word, My Favorite Things, Life in a Low Country, Doctor! Doctor!, Junk Drawer, and the ever popular Leftovers.
You will also get to meet my friend Mike, who is funny in every sense of the word. He’ll have a page called Mike on the Bottom (unless of course, he wants to be Mike on Top). Mike is a journalist who has reported on important topics like exploding toilets, why locusts are like teenagers (all they do is sleep, eat, and have sex), and how being rear-ended in a car accident makes you feel like you’ve gotten a cosmic spanking. He’s slandered his grandma in print, invented a character called Suicide Squirrel, and been slapped around by his editors for not being squarely in the MIDDLE (or better yet, a little to the RIGHT). Because Mike’s editors prefer for him to report on more serious and mundane topics, V-Grrrl is going to give Mike a place where he can color outside the lines.
We all need to operate outside the lines sometimes. That’s what makes great art—and crazy people (remember Van Gogh?) We’ve got our art supplies in hand and we’re ready to have fun, get messy, be colorful, make mistakes, and occasionally paint the world black. We’re hoping to avoid straitjackets, but we make no promises—except to let you know when the new site is ready.
September 19, 2005

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