Things that Make Me Go "Yech!"

- When people slime the sidewalk with frothy saliva or the unspeakable contents of their sinuses
- Big honking piles of dog doo standing like pyramids near the sidewalk
- Little stinky piles of cat doo lurking like a viper in the grass
- Men who take leaks in public, which brings me to my aversion of
- Sausages displayed on uncovered platters at open air markets
- People walking with unbagged loaves of bread tucked under their arms
- The pigs head that was displayed in the meat case at the Place du Luxembourg market
- Riding the Metro when it’s jam packed and we’re all stacked together like crayons in a box
- The fatty edge of the ham
- Raw chicken—and even worse, the vile collection of giblets that require me to put my hand up the chicken’s butt to remove
- The smell of a day old dishrag used to wipe up milk
- Damp towels
- The loathsome combination of locker room floors and bare feet
- When the cat’s tail brushes my face
- The unspeakable things that dogs eat and love---How could they???
September 22, 2005
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