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Veronica McCabe Deschambault, V-Grrrl in the Middle, Compost StudiosTM

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Poor, poor pitiful me

I woke in the night to the unsettling music of an orchestra from hell. First the slow building crescendo of a howling wind section was joined by the  percussion of rain splattering against the windows. The vibrating garage doors provided thumping bass. The flapping vent cover in the kitchen added its own discordant notes.

I couldn’t sleep. I felt like I was in a gothic movie, set on the windswept moors.

I am so tired.

Walking the children to the bus stop in the pitch black this morning, we were bundled up in big coats so only the white circles of our faces peered out from under our hoods. Wrestling our umbrellas, trying to stay one step ahead of the shifting wind direction, we nevertheless got wet.

I have to go to the chiropractor today—which means a 10 minute walk to the bus stop, catching the Metro into the center of Brussels, and then walking another 10 minutes to the doctor’s office. Half an hour later, I get to do the whole thing in reverse.

39 degrees. 30 mph winds. Rain, rain, and more rain.

How can Friday morning feel worse than Monday?

December 16, 2005

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Reader Comments (5)

I pray that your day gets better! Maybe a nice nap in a warm bed after you get home would help!
December 16, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterShirl Grrrl
V-grrrl, this might actually sound a bit sadistic, but I am actually jealous of you. I miss mass-transit, which for some reason is more glamorous/fun in Europe than it is here. I have so many fond memories of traipsing the concentric hillside of Tuscany to reach the train station at the bottom of the hill. Just for a day’s shopping in Florence. The biting wind and you wonder why you didn’t think to bring enough warm clothes – did you think it didn’t get cold in Italy? But, alas, just another excuse to buy a cheap Italian leather jacket from the market. A quick trip to the gelateria (before it closed for the winter) or the tabacci for a warm cappo and biscotti treat, only to trudge back to the train station, across the undulating hills, and back up the hill and around the town to the pseudo-warmth of our apartment. Ahh… Tuscany. I envy you girl. Tell us more!!
December 16, 2005 | Unregistered Commenter#1 Dancer
I have to say though that when I had to take the non-air conditioned Tube in London in the middle of the horrific heat wave of 2003...I kinda missed my car.
December 16, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterBrooke
Oh V-Grrl, I hope your Friday turned out all right. At least you got adjusted. That must have made the 30 minute return trip somewhat shorter!
December 16, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterMelanhead
I sure hope everything worked out ok. It sure didn't sound like it was going to be much fun. Sometimes I like Texas a lot. This year, I can count the number of rainy days on one hand, I think. Which isn't good, environmentally speaking, but it means that I haven't had to stand outside the school in the rain to pick kids up. One day last week, it was about 20 degrees, with some noncommittal sleet, but that was an anomaly. And I only had to be out in it for 15 minutes, not traipse about and wait for buses and such.

Hating damp and cold as much as I do, I can say that you earned your right to moan pitifully. Drink some extra tea, and pretend I made it for you, because I would have if I was there. :)
December 17, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterGranola-grrrl

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