Isn't it ironic
Last night shortly after I dropped into bed, I was pulled from the netherland between waking and sleeping by a clench in my gut. Hmmm. I trudged quietly between the bed and the hall bathroom several times during the night thinking, "Must. eat. less. salsa."
But when the alarm clock beckoned me to parenting duties this morning, a headache bloomed behind my eyes as soon as I got up and a vague achiness pinged in my joints. I changed my mantra to "Must. meet. fewer. viruses."
I handed my son lunch money in lieu of packing his lunch box and let the children walk themselves to the bus stop. I crawled back into bed at 7:30 and slept until the phone jarred me awake just before noon. I was sleeping so hard, I was disoriented and fuzzy-headed when I put the phone to my ear.
It was my husband E--calling to tell me flu shots were now available at the health clinic.
Ah, a bit of irony to go with the virus du jour. Think I'll have some tea and toast with that.
November 8, 2006
Copyright 2006 Veronica McCabe Deschambault. All rights reserved.
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