Compost Studios

I am a writer, nature lover, budding artist, photography enthusiast, and creative spirit reducing, reusing, and recycling midlife experiences through narrative, art, photos, and poetry. 

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The Producers
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Copyright 2005-2013

Veronica McCabe Deschambault, V-Grrrl in the Middle, Compost StudiosTM

Content (text and images) may not be cut, pasted, copied, reproduced, channeled, or broadcast online without written permission. If you like it, link to it! Do not move my content off this site. Thank you!



All items reviewed on this site have been purchased and used by the writer. Sale of items via Amazon links generates credits that can be redeemed for online purchases by the site owner. 


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Support a Mom

Fellow B-List Blog Chick, Arabella of Trattoria Breve, has been nominated for an award at Club Mom.  After painful fertility treatments that included surgery, Arabella is now pregnant with twins. However, it's a high risk pregnancy, requiring daily injections and bed rest to sustain. To further complicate things, Arabella has had nausea so severe, she lost  a significant percentage of her body weight. Yeah. Does it get any worse than that?

Give Arabella your vote and set her up to win some cool stuff for her boys. You can vote by leaving a comment here:

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Reader Comments (3)

Mission accomplished!
December 11, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMary
Thanks V... Arabella rocks!
December 11, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterTB
Awwww.....V-Grrrl.....I'm getting all teary! :) Thank you SO, SO much for the shout-out!!!
December 12, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterArabella

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