The Bitch is Back

Tough morning. I had a middle of the night battle with insomnia, waking at 3 a.m. and lying in bed with the purring cat and snoozing husband until the 6:30 a.m. alarm signaled the start of another day.
This is my second night of insomnia. The first night I thought I was tossing and turning because I’d indulged in some caffeine during the day. But after a day of drinking wishy-washy decaf tea, I spent another night with my eyes shut and my mind wide open.
Around 5 a.m., I realized what the problem was. Shuffling down the stairs, I grab my “Female Calendar of Doom” and sure enough, here I am in the black, soon to be in the red.
Talk about a vicious cycle. The insomnia empowers my inner bitch and makes me act as badly as I feel. These are the days of sweatpants, salt, and pizza cravings. My stomach is as puffy and squishy as a Ziploc full of water, and my eyes are pink and squinty with the sleep-deprivation, water-retention blues. I see backaches and/or headaches on the horizon and some serious sofa time in the short-term forecast. Dark chocolate and a few episodes of “Friends” will probably be required this weekend.
The older I get, the more my hormones slap me around. And the more they slap me around, the more I resent them for making me feel like a caricature of a real woman. My inner FemiNazi wants to pin the PMS bitch to the wall, get in her face, and then send her packing because she’s such a WHINER.
But the PMS bitch is bigger, stronger, and packing some attitude. She won’t let some high-minded FemiNazi deny she’s in charge. This is HER WEEK and the best thing to do is stay the hell out of her way. But before you go, bring her a Coke, will you. Like NOW--how many times does she have to ask? No, she doesn’t want the decaf! Haven’t you been listening to what she’s been saying? Just bring the Coke. Geez! What the hell is wrong with you? And where’s the freakin’ straw?
© 2006 Veronica McCabe Deschambault. All rights reserved.
February 28, 2006

Reader Comments (10)
Have a nice Coca-Cola with THE STRAW DAMMIT week!
I think we may need to be locked up for a couple of days a month (in a spa with alcohol and no kids, minimal light and don't forget the chocolate).
But everything passes. Try Evening Primrose. And eat all the chocolate you want - say you have my permission ;-)