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« February | Main | Overheard at My House »

Tom Cruise isn't the Only Guy in the Closet

All right you guys, I know you’re out there.

It’s time we had a talk.

Mike on the Bottom is convinced he’s the only man that reads V-Grrrl. But I know he’s not alone. The rest of y’all are just huddled in the closet, too nervous to leave a comment and be outed as a V-Grrrl-reading, pizza-eating, free- thinking, beer-drinking, non-stinking Man of the World.

All these many months, I’ve been talking, you’ve been listening, and I so appreciate that. But I also know you have things to say, and I want to hear from you. Y’all, I never intended for my comment section to look like a junior high dance with the grrrls in the middle of the floor and the guys lurking in the dim light on the fringes.

Men, it’s time for you to join the party!  Create an online identity or use your real name. Don't be strong and silent. Boldly go where you’ve never gone before--this week resolve to click and comment! 

More on this topic from  Mike on the Bottom:

Ironic: I'm the Fly in Your Chardonnay


It’s 8 p.m. on Saturday and I’m putting our 4-year-old, Robbie, and our 2-year-old, Jay, to bed.

“Can you tell us a SpongeBob story, Daddy?” Jay pleads. “Can you tell us a SpongeBob story? Can you tell us a SpongeBob story, PLEAAASE?!”

“Um, OK,” I say.

“Daddy, DON’T tell the story!” a tuckered-out Robbie yells. “It’s 8 o’clock in the MORNING!”

And as I’m writing this, less than an hour later, our cat Fiona is trying to pry my hands off the keyboard.

Anyway, Robbie’s comment got me thinking about V-Grrrl and whether we even HAVE a reader who’s a guy? A gay male? A pre-operative transsexual, maybe?

I know the name of the blog is V-Grrrl in the Middle, but if it was called “ARRR the Pirate Boy,” I’m sure there would be some female readers.

Part of it is probably the same male insecurity that keeps guys from listening to the music of Jewel and Fiona Apple. I’m fans of both. Fiona the Cat is named after Fiona Apple, the music artist, who’s one of the best interviews I’ve ever had, and one of the nicest, most thoughtful people I’ve ever talked to. And we have another cat named Jewel, for the same reason. (As Jewel says, “My hands are small, I know/but they’re not yours, they are my own/they’re not yours but they are my own/And I am never broken.”)

And I guess part of it is that guys simply don’t read—unless it’s about sports.

So here’s a sports story that I hope will attract some male readers to V-Grrrl.

Years ago, I covered the Washington Redskins, so I know this story first-hand.

Kicker Mark Moseley used to ride to games with defensive lineman Dave Butz, a huge, scary-looking guy who was actually one of the kindest people on the team.

Butz, however, thought it was good luck to run over already dead animals on the road on the way to the game. This became a pretty big psychological deal for Dave.

Before one particularly big game, Mark didn’t want to take any chances on roadkill-luck-of-the-draw.

So Moseley found a dead squirrel. He put it in his freezer and froze it solid. Then he propped the petrified squirrel up on its hind legs on the route to RFK Stadium.

When Butz saw the squirrel, he smiled—and ran over it.

The Redskins won.

Writing for V-Grrrl’s all-grrrl audience, I feel very much like that frozen squirrel.

Michael Zitz Beckham, aka Mike on the Bottom, is a journalist, baseball coach, and FOVG (friend of V-Grrrl). She doesn’t want him to be the frozen squirrel on the road to success.  Anti-social.

Mike, a former music critic, introduced V-Grrrl to Jewel’s music years ago when he wrote about it. Here’s an adaptation of Jewel’s song Hands:

"These hands are small, I know, yeah/But I claim them for my own/I’ll help you bear your loads, yeah/We are never broken.”

February 6, 2006 

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Reader Comments (17)

This is sort of reminding me of that Monty Python scene where all the women dress up as men in order to attend the public stoning that women are not allowed to attend... so here's me in my fake beard, and my assumed deep manly voice.

I recently discovered some of Jewel's spoken word work, from her book "A Night Without Armor." I *really* enjoy it. I'm glad to know she is as cool as she seems. It's such a disappointment when celebrities turn out to be not-so-nice.

And just for the record, I actually have no idea who was in the Super Bowl yesterday. I read the news, but totally skip the sports.

We did keep a flying squirrel in our freezer for a few years. Our cat brought it back, it wasn't mangled, and it was a bit of an oddity. So we named him Rocky and brought him out for company on occasion, his little eyes frosted over... I'm fairly certain that gets me into the "Freak Club" and not the "Man Club," but oh well [heehee].
February 6, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterGranola-boooy
I love it! Cross-dressing commenters!

The blogosphere is SOOO interesting, but not nearly as interesting as my family tree. ; )
February 6, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterV-Grrrl
Ah, Mike... you got to interview the Skins back in the day! Lucky you! The days of the Hogs and the equally famous Hogettes! I would love to hear more quirky stories like the one you just related! Loved Dave Butz and Mark Moseley!

My parents had either a fox or a bobcat in their freezer for awhile. It belonged to my brother. And a good friend of mine had a puppy in her freezer for a good long time. She wanted to give the little thing a proper burial but didn't have time, so she stuck it in the freezer and then forgot about him. I tease her to this day about the frozen puppy. I don't think they took it out at parties, though.
February 6, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterShirl Grrrl
Well Shirl, next time your mom offers me a glass of ice tea I may have to say "hold the ice." And if she offers me her favorite furry casserole, I'll just say, "No thanks, but please pass the biscuits."
February 6, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterV-Grrrl
Well I'm a guy and I've been reading your blog for a week or so (after I finished the entire archive of course). I wanted to know how foreigners/expats see Belgium, my home country in case you hadn't guessed. So I scoured the web and ended up here.

I also read


To be honest, I rarely make comments on blogs or message boards, but I couldn't resist being first at something!
February 6, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterManny
Love the title of this post. And I also love that Mike makes up his own sweet Jewel lyrics.

[Oops TB, that was my rewrite of the Jewel lyrics...Mike's a progressive guy, but I'm not sure he's "sweet." Only Lisa knows.... V-Grrrl]
February 6, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterTB

The aptly named Manny puts all my American male readers to shame. : ) I'm impressed (and honored) you read the whole archive. It has over a hundred entries by now...

I'm intrigued that you were interested in reading what expats had to say about your home country. I've often tried to imagine how my corner of America would look and feel to a Belgian. That's a subject for a future expat essay--hmmm, maybe I'll write that one this week. Stay tuned!
February 6, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterV-Grrrl
Love it! Oh, and Mr. Blogger reads you!
February 6, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterBrooke
Maybe I'm sweeter than I realize.
I went to dinner tonight at Carraba's in Fredericksburg with a guy friend from work (and yes, we're JUST friends)... He ordered tiramisu (sp?) for dessert, and the waitress brought TWO FORKS!
Holy leotards, Batman!

Mike--I bet the waiter at Carabba's brought two forks for the tiramisu so your "manly" friend could eat with both hands. ; ) Hey, tiramisu is GOOD stuff. Who shares? V-Grrrl
February 6, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMike
I do like Jewel's poetry because it's simple and unpretentious--and viscerally honest.
I interviewed her long before that book was published and she was surprised that I had read a poem she had written in her mid-teens that talked about looking in the mirror and asking "Where has the angel gone?"
"What was that about?" I asked.
"Oh, the same things every teenage girl goes through," she said.

February 6, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMike
OK, I'll admit to reading the blog every day and being hetero, not metro, sexual.I do it for research. We will be moving from the US to Belgium in a few months and I find the perspective of a US Mom with school age kids very interesting in anticipating what my wife and 3 young kids will go through.

Keep up the good work, you have been very helpful in preparing us for many of Belgiums little secrets.

February 6, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAnother Male reader
Fiona Apple was raped at age 11--if I recall the age correctly, and we talked about her efforts to deal with lifelong bouts with depression following that... Some guy followed her to her apartment building, then forced his way in the door before she could lock it. If I remember what she told me correctly, her dog was on the other side of the door scratching and barking, trying to get in to help her as this went on.
She's generally made out in the media to be a self-centered, crazy bitch--in my opinion, because most of the people who write about music are immature guys with twisted attitudes toward female performers.
When she was 18, she got up at the Grammys and told kids at home not to feel bad about themselves because they don't look like or have lives like the music artists at the award shows.
That image isn't real, she told the TV audience...
For this, she was eviscerated in the media.
The truth is that Fiona's actually a very kind, sensitive, sweet person who's been misunderstood and treated very unfairly. And she's one of the great talents in American music-- ever -- I think.
February 6, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMike

If you have any specific questions not covered by the expat sites, feel free to contact me.

And BTW, I have 10 pounds of "expat fat" looking for a new home...takers? ; )
February 7, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterV-Grrrl
Alright, V, you're on to me. I've been reading your site pretty much daily for lo these many months. From the dawn of V-grrl I have been reading and enjoying the overseas exploits of a favorite branch of the family tree.

Although proud of our shared heritage, I don't read this blog because I'm related to V-Grrl. Why does a guy have to be metro/bi/trans/anything-other-than-hetero-sexual to read a blog written by a woman?? I love good writing by a thoughtful author, which is increasingly hard to find in our noisy world.

I regularly wear a tool belt, use power tools, and fix cars. But I also enjoy shopping with my wife, reading poetry, and spending time in nature (without actually shooting at anything). Label me however you choose, but I am a man. And I proudly read V-grrl.
February 7, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMatt
See, Mike, I TOLD you so!

Now you've met some of the V-Guys!

And dude, they want you to share your tiramisu. : )
February 7, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterV-Grrrl
Here's a touchy-feely postscript:
Fiona Apple will be a presenter on the Grammy Awards this Wednesday February 8th on CBS. So she's come full cirle from being ostracized for her (completely admirable) earlier statement telling kids not to feel bad because they weren't phony-baloney music artists...
She's nominated for "Best Pop Vocal Album: Extraordinary Machine"
February 7, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMike
A view from a male perspective is always a good thing.

The Redskins, that's football? Right? No, hockey...oh, I am so confused.
February 8, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDenice

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