Compost Studios

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Veronica McCabe Deschambault, V-Grrrl in the Middle, Compost StudiosTM

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Big Lou Strikes Back

Well dear readers, Lefty the Hamster is missing again. I have no idea what this is. Emboldened by a taste of freedom and family heirlooms, he is once again on the prowl.

I have alerted our cat Amy and offered her a reward. Matrix.

Am I searching frantically? Am I methodically going through the house room by room? Of course not.

What I am doing is stacking all my wool sweaters  in a tower on top of my husband's dresser. I have my priorites people. Saving this hamster's furry ass is not one of them.  I am leaving the hamster's fate to karma and Big Lou.

It's sunny today. A good day for digging in the yard, if I do say so myself. Psychotic.

Stay tuned.

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Reader Comments (6)

He once was lost, but now he's found. Lefty was discovered sleeping in Grrrl World, my attic bathroom retreat. He was cozied up in a shower scrub mitt that he'd shredded.He also left a pyramid of poop for us to admire. Life with Vermin.

March 22, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterV-Grrrl
Grrrrr. It's like he's not even intimidated living with the ferocious Amy-cat - much less appreciating that he's there on borrowed time from Big Lou. I hope he wises up and keeps his little bottom in his cage (and confines the pyramid of poop to that space also...). Yuck.
March 22, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterLynn
I was on the hamster's side, dear. Talk about karma. You'd better watch out. Your meanness to small animals will come back to bite you in the butt. Or just chew up your favorite item of clothing!! Ha!

Hey, is there a way your site will "remember" me. I always have to type in my name and site. And, I'm lazy you know.
March 22, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDebbie
Oh V-grrrl, the hamster karma is headed your way again. Maybe you should do a good deed and buy Lefty some super premium cedar chips and a nice big habitrail to run around in :o)
March 22, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterTB
I could never own a rodent. They're cute, sure... but I really have no patience for wanton destruction (of course, I call it that, but I'm sure Lefty, like my kids, calls it "having fun".).

Isn't it Jainism that teaches "ahimsa"? I know that Buddhism and Hinduism also teach "non-injury", but I believe that Jainism takes ahimsa a step beyond. They often don't wear shoes when they walk, lest they inadvertently crush small beings (includes bugs and probably hamsters too). I do not think I'd make a good Jainist. Rodents and ants and roaches do not belong in my house. I don't care *who* was here first.

I'm sure karma is nipping at my heels even as I type this.

---Later today--- I had to go pick up the kids from school, so I didn't finish this post. I go out to the car, turn it on, and catch some movement in my rearview mirror. I turn around and see a mockingbird sitting on the back of the rear seat, looking right back at me. And pooping. All over. He'd been in there since I unloaded groceries about 20 minutes earlier. Much like V-Grrrl, I had no idea such a small animal could produce so much poop in such a short time. I let him out, although he pooped on the steering wheel on the way out.

I hope that squares me up with St. Francis (point taken, Frank).
March 23, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterGranola-grrrl
Poor, poor hamster...once again, I am making a vow to keep the things in their cages...although, they are in their own 2 story penthouse cages...nothing small and cramped for my critters.
March 27, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDenice

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