Compost Studios

I am a writer, nature lover, budding artist, photography enthusiast, and creative spirit reducing, reusing, and recycling midlife experiences through narrative, art, photos, and poetry. 

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Veronica McCabe Deschambault, V-Grrrl in the Middle, Compost StudiosTM

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Not my imagination.....

When I wrote yesterday, was I exaggerating how rotten the weather's been in Belgium? No.

This just posted today.


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Reader Comments (3)

You can always say years from now, "Remember kids when we were in Belgium during the coldest first of June on record?" and they will look at each other with strange looks and say, right, mom. However, it's been documented, it's not your imagination! That's a positive. Now cold weather be gone. In the 90s here with the usual Virginia humidity ... since I am walking I'd prefer the cooler temps you have, but definitely not the sideways rain. Let's hope sunnier skies/warmer days are coming for you!
June 2, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterShirley
Blast my limited knowledge of the Celsius thermometer! I just know 0C = 32F. So, I'm guessing 10C is pretty damn cold. Sorry.

Sucks here too. Rain all week. Driving, hellish rain.
June 3, 2006 | Unregistered Commentermadge
You should be excited. You were there to see the record broken!
June 5, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterNeil

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