About the purple nail polish

The heat wave has encouraged me to loiter shop for a very long time in the only air-conditioned space in my community--the grocery store.
Because even a purchase of two bags of produce and a bottle of milk causes my small European refrigerator to reach capacity, I've had to resort to buying vastly overpriced non-food items to kill time and pay for the store's air conditioning. Buying light bulbs, cat food, and laundry detergent is a no-brainer and doesn't provides a legitimate reason to indecisively linger in front of displays. This is why I've devoted myself to the cosmetics aisle, the only place it's socially acceptable to spend an improbably long amount of time debating a purchase.
This would explain why I bought PURPLE nail polish. Surely no one just waltzes into a store and pulls a bottle of purple polish off the shelf and checks out. Whether or not to buy purple nail polish is a big decision requiring some serious consideration and internal debate.
You can savor a lot of air conditioning while considering the following: Is this the right shade of purple or will it make me look like a cardiac patient needing oxygen? What is the right shade of purple? Will dark purple make me look like a vampire or an artist? Will light purple make me look like an aging sugar plum fairy or a well groomed woman with a whimsical sense of style? Am I too old to wear purple nail polish in the first place? Do women who dress head to toe in Eddie Bauer clothing have a right to even consider purple nail polish? Am I being bold or am I being stupid?
Well let me just say I'm both bold and stupid. My son would add "tacky" to the list--his reaction to my color selection.
After I spent 45 minutes or so at home doing my nails and waiting for them to dry, I'd have to agree. This nail polish is way too Miami for me. It almost glows in the dark, a luminous cross between lavender and orchid. Barefoot and overweight, I could pass for Britney Spear's best friend with one glance at my atomic colored nails. What's a woman who lives in earthtones doing with nails like this? Enquiring minds want to know.
The good news is that because this color is SO WRONG, I have a valid reason to go back to that nice cool store and debate my next nail polish purchase for at least a half hour. See how this works? Yeah. Maybe next time I'll talk myself into a mint green pearl polish and continue my trend of poor choices masquerading as wise choices masquerading as poor choices. Or something like that.
Has the heat wave driven you to stupid purchases--either online or at the mall? Are you going to bad movies just to get a two-hour reprieve from being hot and sticky? Have you loaded your grocery cart entirely with selections from the popsicle freezer and soft drink aisle?
Do tell. Don't leave me out here looking foolish by myself. And BTW, do you think I'm too old for baby blue polish?
July 25, 2005

Reader Comments (12)
Baby blue polish is more my liking and I say GO FOR IT! (You win both ways from our point of view!)
Regarding the non-loitering in the air-conditioned supermarkets, this is your chance to be a responsible consumer and read every s-i-n-g-l-e label on your most bought products and do a comparison with other brands. Take a small notebook and pen with you so that the other shoppers are impressed by your thorough researching. This could take hours.. [wink, wink]
As for the lengths that I would go to in order to escape the heat, I do have to confess that I would rather walk a longer distance through the blazing hot Texas sun to get to a store, if it meant that I could park in a coveted shady spot. I might even cut off an old lady or a troop of Girl Scouts to get one. I *hate* getting into an oven of a car. And the walk isn't so bad, since there's a/c at both ends.
Umm, I have to say no to the blue. Just...no. It is bad on everyone, even if they are eleven.
I took my kids to the craft store, because I just had to get out of the house. I thought I could find something for them to do, because they have just been stuck in this house because of the heat... Now I am cleaning up paint, glitter, and play-doe all day long. Blah!
They know me by name.
I bought a secondhand bridesmaid's dress that's too large for me, because the store was so pleasant and empty, and I was procrastinating.
My rationale was that I need something with which to hone my new sewing skills, and it was very inexpensive, and one never knows when one will be invited to a wedding. Pathetic, right? Next time, I'm headed to the cosmetics aisle. At least nail polish comes off with the swipe of a cotton ball. The dress is still crumpled at the bottom of my closet.