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Veronica McCabe Deschambault, V-Grrrl in the Middle, Compost StudiosTM

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Show me the monkey!

Unlike many of the expats I know, I haven’t indulged in collecting Belgian items like tapestry and lace. Yes, they’re lovely, they’re traditional, but I have no use for delicate linens and textiles and refuse to buy anything that will languish in a drawer somewhere. Besides, lace and tapestry are not my style. Filling my house with it would make me feel like a granny, and I already feel old enough.

No, instead I’ve amassed a collection of Belgian products infinitely more practical, definitely more colorful, and famous not only in Belgium but around the world. Sometimes I think I should join a support group and confront my addiction. Yes, my name is V-Grrrl, and I have fallen under the spell of Kipling bags.

I bought my first Kipling handbag two weeks after we arrived. I was seduced by its light weight and body-crossing design, perfect now that I was walking everywhere and using public transit in the city. Soon I’d picked up a small khaki-colored backpack for longer day trips and sightseeing.

The combination of practicality and fashion-forward designs kept bringing me back for more. I couldn’t resist the burnt orange hobo handbag with its interesting variegated finish and handy compartments. I loved its shape and the way it sat solidly on my shoulder. Next I bought a Kipling wallet to accommodate the size of my new Belgian ID cards and folding change purses to hold my euro coins. For Christmas I received an oversized navy blue shoulder bag perfect for shopping trips and toting books and maps.

In the spring I fell for the fresh look of a green-striped shoulder bag, and I bought a weekend duffle bag for travel. When it got hot, I felt bright and summery with a bright orange, yellow, and baby blue bag, embroidered with flowers and sporting big happy tassels. My daughter, who is only 8-years-old, fell hard for a multi-colored striped shoulder bag from the same line, and we agreed to split the cost and share it. The best part? The furry orange monkey hanging from its hardware has my NAME on it. Clearly, we were meant to be together.

I share my love of Kipling bags with American friends looking for a taste of Belgian style. When Low Maintenance Grrrl was here on her birthday last summer, I gave her a blue-gray Kipling bag. Lynn received a black one for Christmas and carried it while she traveled with us in Belgium last month. Her daughter E has a beautiful orange and pink bag shaped like a flower that we gave her for her birthday, and my daughter E-Grrrl has a deep fuchsia monkey-faced backpack that she received for her birthday. I mailed Char, a former coworker, a lavender-colored bag, and Low Maintenance Grrrl liked the Kipling I gave her so much that she bought one for her girlfriend.

So let the tourists drink beer and collect lace, tapestry, chocolate, and statues of Mannekin Pis. Me, I’m carrying my memories of Belgium home in style—in an authentic Kipling bag.

August 24, 2006

© 2006 Veronica McCabe Deschambault. All rights reserved.

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Reader Comments (13)

You have educated me so much this year! I had never heard of Kipling bags nor Ugg footwear until you enlightened me! I am just so out of touch with the world of high fashion! They look very nice and I can see the lure of collecting them! And you gotta love the monkeys!
August 24, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterShirl Grrrl
I have an extremely crappy 10 euro bag with zips that don't work. The only thing I like about it is that I can carry it across my body. Well, I lie, I also like that it cost 10 euros and not 50 ;)

I saw a Lacoste one I liked, but now, after perusing the Kipling website, I see that the same store I bought the crappy one from and considered buying the Lacoste one sells Kipling. I might go and take a look on Saturday. Thanks for the tip!
August 24, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAsh
Yes! And while half of Virginia is toting trendy Vera Bradley bags, I proudly sport my Kipling and its trademark monkey! Miss M loves her small monkey face Kipling backpack and has taken the monkey off it to go on her big school backpack.

I need to look at the catalog and indulge in a new one for fall.
August 24, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterChar
I *love* the monkeys! Funky fabrics and neat designs-- I would be in so much trouble if I kept browsing that site... practical collections are the only kind to have ;)
August 24, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterGranola-grrrl
Kipling bag ... ?

A lack of knowledge that can only be explained by the fact that a year without permission to work made me a non-consuming cheap chick.

No wonder he married me ;)

August 24, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDi

Kipling is headquartered in Antwerp! You share a town with the Head Monkey!
August 24, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterV-Grrrl
I didn't know Kipling is headquartered in Belgium! I have long coveted a red Kipling backpack -- love the colors and the design. Your post has inspired me to get more serious about this. :-)
August 24, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterNancy
V - I have a new job for you - Kipling personal shopper!
August 24, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterChar
I'm ashamed to say I've never owned a bag worth more than $30. I need to invest in one good bag, but I don't know where to start. Perhaps the Kipling is the answer. Do they make diaper bags? :o)
August 25, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterTB
I am just discovering your site today for the first time through citizen of the month and enjoying your posts, AND a bit drooly knowing you are living overseas! I've been back for 6 years and the ache to go back has never subsided.
August 25, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAlexandra
I love my Kipling bag and plan on treating myself to a new one for my everyday bag!
August 25, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterLynn
Lace and tapestry definitely requires a certain interior design style, so if it isn't yours then you are right, why spend the money on items that will remain in drawers? I'd indulge in the chocolate instead!
August 26, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterA Man

Just bought my first Kipling Bag and matching wallet and I love it. Its the new raisin across body from the Basic range in Blue Jean, also the wallet is New Money in Blue Jean. I love everything about Kipling. They are amazing bags and good value for money. Not forgetting the added attraction of the Monkey. Perfect. Must spread the word.
April 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBarbara

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