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Veronica McCabe Deschambault, V-Grrrl in the Middle, Compost StudiosTM

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Confessions of a Crybaby

I logged on to CNN this morning and burst into tears when I read the news. I quickly switched to what I thought would be lighter fare in the blogosphere,  and I cried over Amber’s post about body image, and Arabella’s post about her parents, and the trials Mama Tulip is facing right now. Oh sheesh. Clcking over to the daily comic pages looking for a laugh, I started sobbing over the story line in For Better or For Worse.

The mail brought a spiritual card from my big brother offering prayers and  encouragement as I face some health issues. It made me cry.

As I was preparing to make E-Grrrl’s birthday cake, my heart went out of rhythm, which upset me and, you guessed it, I cried again.

I’d forgotten I could be like this.

For most of the past two and a half years, I’ve taken a little blue pill each day that softened the raw edges of my emotions. During the summer, I scaled back to half a pill and with my doctor’s encouragement, tapered off that over the last month. No more blue pills.

This weekend the double whammy of being bitch-slapped by hormones and not enough sleep  has reduced me to a simpering mess. At this point,  I don't think I could survive a Disney movie or a Hallmark commercial.

All I can say is that it’s not easy being a natural woman.

September 30 2006

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Reader Comments (11)

I'm sorry I made you cry, yet flattered at the same time; does that make any sense?

I totally hear you on the crying. Yesterday, I sobbed during "Adoption Stories" on Discovery Health, and also during some footage of Steve Irwin's widow.
September 30, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterArabella
I'm sorry that I made you cry too. Although, like Arabella, I too am flattered that you cried over me.

It is hard being a natural woman. I'm emotional to begin with, without all of the awful headlines and general life hardships. And you know, I've come to the conclusion that a little cry here and there is good for me. You too.
September 30, 2006 | Unregistered Commentermamatulip
Well, I'm crying now, too. I went to all your links and welled up reading all of them. The comic hit home all too real. But as Mama Tulip said, a good cry is good for you as it really does cleanse the soul.

Love ya!
September 30, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterShirl Grrrl
Hormones. Blah. Although every now and then a good cry can be cathartic.

Hang in there V.
September 30, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterTB
Passing the Kleenex around the blogosphere on a Saturday night. Yeah, we be partyin now!

September 30, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterV-Grrrl
You've got quite a bit on your plate, that's for sure. There is nothing wrong with feeling a bit emotionally raw. Thanks for all the links. I am a serious fan of <i>For Better or for Worse</i>, which is on My Yahoo page (the homepage on my browser), and that storyline is quite gripping.

Menopause is nothing short of pure hell.
September 30, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterElisabeth
The doctors here have convinced me to go off my daily medicine too, which although it is nice to not have too many chemicals in your body, it is also nice to always be in a good mood (which the pills help). My solution when I get too sad or overwhelmed with the world is to take a nap. Somehow it helps me to put things in perspective when I wake up. Good luck!
September 30, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterWingfields In Brussels
I remember watching "All in the Family" when I was a kid. The episode when Edith was menopausal and finally told Archie off is still indelibly etched in my memory. She was completely different: assertive, crabby, and in possession of a hair-trigger temper. I remember wondering if that was what would happen to my own marshmallowy mom. Now I wonder what will happen to me, someone who is already assertive, snarky at times, and not prone to sentimentality. At 45, I am still waiting, I think.... Gimme some hope, V.
September 30, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterNance
I remember in For Better or For Worse when Farley died. I cried on and off for a couple of days. This particular issue is very heart-wrenching too.

I've been going through the same kind of thing. I hope things start looking up for you -- it's good to have a cathartic cry, but it does get a little old when everything sets us off, huh?

October 1, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterNancy
This is the second blog I have read where they said they were having crying jabs! It must be in the air. But I like a good cry. Cleansing.
By the way, your comment to me on that post made me just stop and really feel connected to you-- even all the way across the land and ocean.

October 2, 2006 | Unregistered Commenteramber
Hormones, I think most of us have been there! Hang in there. I am just getting to know your blog, so bear with me. Although I see some familiar people like Mama Tulip.
October 2, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterLiliana

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