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« Good things | Main | Celebrating the Divine Miss Di »

In the twilight

OK, I'll admit it. I’m feeling depressed, down, emotionally and physically flattened, uninspired. No, not a full blown “dark night of the soul,” more of a dusky twilight in my brain.

I have a lot on my mind—issues related to my home life, my future, and my past. There’s so much I’m trying to make sense of on a lot of levels. Soul gardening isn’t easy. It’s often exhausting. I have to remind myself to be patient, to wait for clarity, to be in the moment and tend the life I have now.

Sunday, I didn’t want to go to church. Every fiber of my being was longing to stay in my bathrobe and curl up on the couch—but I went to church anyway, yawning all the way and praying the meds I took wouldn’t send me into a complete stupor and make me fall asleep mid-service.

Father Mark made getting off the sofa worth the effort. A new priest at our Episcopal church, I’ve only heard him preach a few times but he always impresses me. His sermons don’t circle a topic endlessly but go right to the heart of it. He dissects the truth with finesse and lays out his points elegantly.

On Sunday he was preaching on the righteous Pharisee and the sinful tax collector. He deconstructed two theological approaches to conversion and grace, one put forth by John Calvin and the other by Thomas Aquinas. He described how the Calvinist position made it easy to fall into and justify a dangerous sense of self-righteousness that could undermine the Gospel's inclusive message. St. Thomas's teaching that we are "converted" gradually as God's grace works to perfect, not replace, our given nature emphasizes the process of growing into faith and holiness over time. Seeing as I consider myself very much a work in process, Mark's words and St. Thomas' wisdom struck a chord in my weary heart, and I carried them out of church with me, feeling encouraged, feeling that the sermon was meant just for me.

Often when I feel emotionally unsettled (as I do now), I have the urge to declutter the house, as if by shedding my material load I can lighten the mental burdens I’m carrying. Over the past few weeks I’ve been sorting through boxes, cupboards, drawers, and storage areas, amassing stacks of things in the basement to get rid of.

E dropped off an entire trunk load of clothes at a church last month. We donated boxes and boxes of books to a fundraising sale. Di’s granddaughter, Sahara, received some toys and books on tape, but still the piles in the basement continued to grow, making me feel smothered.

On Sunday, the sun was shining and there was a soccer game at the community center down the street generating lots of traffic in the neighborhood. I decided to put things out on the sidewalk in a massive give away pile and see if we’d get any takers. I didn’t want to hassle with a garage sale or hauling things to consignment shops;I just wanted to be free of the weight of this stuff.

Christmas wreaths, Easter baskets, folding chairs, tons of Tupperware, Pampered Chef kitchen gadgets, mixing bowls, vegetable steamers, sippy cups, travel mugs, glasses, pitchers, tote bags, leather purses, serving platters, decorative art, tapered candles, cast iron cookware, a bicycle, dolls and stuffed animals—I toted them all out the garage door and set them up on display on the stone wall in front of my house.

The items had been out for all of five minutes when two Gypsies showed up in a van and started loading it all up—the same two who had come by last winter. The timing was almost mystical. I was astonished. I hadn't seen them since last December.

In no time, everything but three Easter baskets had been loaded into their van and driven off, probably to be sold this week at a flea market somewhere. The “transaction,” such as it was, was oddly satisfying.

Once again I had a vision of life as a wheel, of people cycling in and out of my path in some sort of cosmic rhythm, a sense of being in the right place at the right time, of God quietly providing what I need and helping me let go of what I don’t.  Often the best way to find grace is to step aside and let it find you.

October 29, 2007

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Reader Comments (16)

Well know that I am not "off your wheel", my friend. In fact, you and I have been on the same journey lately it seems. This break I am taking is meant to give me some mental breathing room...I'm not sure it's working so great. *sigh*

"St. Thomas's teaching that we are "converted" gradually as God's grace works to perfect, not replace, our given nature emphasizes the process of growing into faith and holiness over time."--

-- I cling to this wisdom. Yes I do.

Too much to say. I just send love and to let you know I am thinking of you. ;)

ox :)
October 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAmber
I've missed you too. Good to know I have company on the journey. I'll carry you, you carry me. : )
October 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterV-Grrrl
I totally believe that decluttering the house and freeing ourselves of stuff declutters the brain and lightens us of our burdens. I also believe that harboring clutter and STUFF does the opposite ... makes people ill, even with serious illnesses. Sort of along the lines of feng shui ... that keeping our spaces decluttered keeps us healthy, keeps minor depression at bay, etc. And to add to the joy of letting such stuff go, you almost always bless others like you cited--perhaps in a minor miraculous way like the parent who shows up needing winter boots for her children for a snowy winter and you have just dropped off all the right sizes at the charity thrift shop (that happened to me), a small way like the gift to Di for her granddaughter, or the gypsies showing up at exactly the right time when you hadn't seen them in months. Anyway, bravo for you! I am feeling the need to do a big declutter session myself. I JUST started working at home on my passion devotedly one day a week now and I want my environment to be open and free to encourage my creativity and energy. Kudos also on making it to church when it was the last thing you wanted to do. I can often convince myself to be a slug and skip activities that would benefit me. I am seriously working on changing that. I just read a testimonial of sorts that shared the positive results of always choosing action vs sitting and ruminating. Action has so many rewards. Love your last paragraph ... that is exactly the way I see it. However, the "serendipity," "karma," "grace," or whatever we call it, never ceases to suprise me and humble me.
October 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterShirley
Feeling the need to declutter around here, too. It's the season, apparently, and contagious. But I feel overwhelmed and in a malaise. I keep waiting for The Weekend, and then it comes and I remain inert.

Can you come?
October 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterNance

I'm afraid if I come to Ohio there will be very little decluttering done and one large dent left in your sofa at the end of the weekend.

But we could talk about decluttering and drink and be snarky and eat Lays and drive the men from the house using secret Grrrl powers.
October 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterV-Grrrl
Like a friend of mine says..."You can't steer the river." This river steers us. Sometimes out of exhaustion, we get scared and try to get out...or paddle upsteam...

Doesn't work.

Like Anne Lammott says.."Grace, Eventually"

I'm right there in the garden with you...but I think I'm stuck in the muck a bit more..


October 30, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterwendy
I had a similar battle with my own depression demons (they also seem to have a stay in the jammies and on the couch force with them too) and I fought them off and enjoyed myself getting out. Now, I'm kind of stuck with the guilt depression. I feel bad for feeling good. What up with that?

All the best to you V, you are good people and deserve peace to that noggin. Kudos to you for taking some steps in to get you there.
October 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterfuriousBall
V, in spite of your current dysphoria, I'm glad that you are a person of faith.

I often wished I was.

Imagine, sitting at Antwerp's most 'uplifting' suspended champagne lounge today, ( )
wondering how to get myself back on track.

While the glass of Laurent Perrier made today somewhat fade away, faith can be that guiding beam of light in the dark, and I often wished it would touch me.

October 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPeter
We just unloaded a bunch of old furniture on a local woman who scours neighorhood recycling bins in search of cans she can "borrow" and claim the money for herself. We didn't need the furniture anymore, but we did need the room it could provide if we got rid of it. No garage sale for us, though I'd like to do that one day. Instead, she'll take the stuff and sell it at a flea market. We get the room...she makes money. It is, as you say, satisfying.
October 30, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterwordgirl

Sigh. I love having commenters that use words like "dysphoria." (She swoons, then moves on to more serious topics...)

Many of my friends would say they are not people of faith--but I see the light they shine in the world and know that they have a relationship with the Divine. Their hearts and souls are open to the world and not pinched shut against it. That to me, is a sign of faith. It doesn't need a label or a doctrine to be real or meaningful or be shared.

October 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterV-Grrrl
Hang in there V. I know you have much to ponder these days along with the weather making its changes for the gray and dreary. This will be your last winter in Belgium. I'm sure your mind is full of endings and beginnings.

Your last sentence says it all though. Beautiful.
October 31, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTB
What you need is a version of what works for me. I feel a lot better after playing 40+ age rugby. Smashing and bashing another middle age guy in the front row of a scrummage makes me happier.

There's something satisfying and stress releasing about tackling a smart-ass lawyer who smaller than you and pushing his head into the mud because he won't release the ball.My own running with ball, while crude and graceless makes me feel invinceable until I too get crunched.

It's even better when it's raining, foggy, or cold from the wind coming off the San Francisco Bay. A beer(s), some Advil, and a hot shower usually completes my mood altering pasttime.

Of course, I have to sneak in my rugby therapy without the home boss knowing about it these days. Forget tea, church, and EMO music. A good run in the mud works better.
October 31, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMichael

Rolling in the mud with a hot rugby player (over 40, of course) does sound quite appealing, especially if he's NOT a freakin lawyer and is suitably hairy and not one of those waxed Ken dolls with six-pack abs that PRETEND to be real men. Ahem.

And this is Belgium--rain, fog, wind, and beer are our specialties. If only we had Mexican food....
October 31, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterV-Grrrl
Happy Halloween, V! I know it's one of your faves ... we got a total of three trick or treaters ... Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz (adorable little girl and outfit with great ruby slippers!!), a Power Ranger, and one I have no clue on (store bought so probably just a character that I am clueless on--with my son soon to be 20). Bet you would have gotten a lot more at your house on the corner :-) .

Peter--I want to go to that bar! And, V is so right about faith. It's obvious you are a warm, caring person who is generous and reaches out to others--that says it all I think! Professed people of faith often espouse the WWJD philosophy ... that is certainly what you are living.

Daylight Savings Time ends here on Sunday ... that's usually when I have a tougher time with melancholy (yet another word that fits the bill)... I need maximum daylight. I appreciate the new time plan that is being phased in here in the U.S. I definitely like transitioning from DST later and later each fall and then going to DST earlier in the spring.

October 31, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterShirley

I used to plan for 50-60 trick or treaters at my house... and daylight savings time kicked in Saturday night after Di's party. I'm now 7 hours ahead of my friends on the East Coast, but I'm dragging. Time to buy a light box...
November 1, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterV-Grrrl
It seems to be both the season for depression but also decluttering. I'm glad you got yours done, I'm desperately trying to raise the energy to do mine. So far all I have managed is to put some laundry away and sort out some papers for recycling.
November 4, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterplatypus

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