Things we might have said...

“Wait a minute, you’re telling me you won’t swallow pills but you’ve chewed and eaten tripe, adrenal glands, beef tongue, and brain?”
While sharing physical symptoms: “I wouldn’t worry. You’re just a freak of nature and a medical abnormality. You could be a subject for experiments! A medical breakthrough!”
Comparing our unshaved legs: “Why be ashamed? There’s a lesbian somewhere who would find our hairy legs VERY sexy.”
About Belgian cuisine: “I don’t know where the reputation for fine food comes from. In my experience, every dish they do, another culture does better.”
About speaking the truth: “So I was being interviewed by a Flemish university student for a project she was doing, and she asked, ‘Who holds the power in your country?’ And I told her ‘White men in dark suits.'
Di, thanks for the memories.
November 17, 2007

Reader Comments (22)
not much of a growth spurt..but getting there..hopefully.
Who holds the power in our country? Big Money.In any color suit.
Thank you!!!! I've been cleaning, then cooking most of today for the in-laws ... they've just left, we've run out of wine and this was a truly marvellous way to end the day.
the kitchen drudge xo
Feel free to comment on New Zealand cuisine and share your opinion of Vegemite and Pavlova. : )
I do think Belgium does desserts better than any country I've ever visited.
Inge will be pleased!
I love Belgian dairy products, but find the breads just OK. With two kids at home and a limited budget, we rarely go out to eat.
Last week I received an e-mail from a Belgian asking me where the best place was to get an American burger! (Fat Boys at Place du Luxembourgh, in case you're wondering.)
Since arriving in Belgium I've eaten adrenal glands, blood sausage, hutsepot, stoemp (carrot version), pigeon soup, bread pudding, pancakes, marzipan with bread, chocolate too, sausages with applesauce or mustard ... all of which are startlingly different to home.
And I shop in the local supermarkets for produce, sometimes at the market here in the city ... I came here from Turkey and New Zealand where the produce almost walks off the shelf it's so fresh, and Gert had to explain that because Belgium is so small with such a big population that yes, produce is a little more difficult to find as fresh as we became accustomed to eating it in Istanbul, for example.
But start me on Belgians and their stunning liguistic abilities, or on their friendliness once you're allowed into their lives, or on their often good intentions towards the 170+ nationalities they have living here in Antwerpen, or on their beer and chocolate and you'll hear a whole different story.
And as for eating in Ixelles, I'm envious. I'm sure I would have developed a whole other view of Belgian cuisine in French-speaking Brussels in an upscale neighbourhood ;)
Oh and as for Gert, he was trying oh-so unsuccessfully to hold back the laughter as someone defended Belgian cuisine. I must get him back to NZ so that we can play fair in this 'my food is better than your food' game that we play in our Antwerpen kitchen.
I think I'm ahead at the moment, he's a complete sucker for pavlova and has come round to tomato sauce on sausages. Vegemite remains on his most despised food list though ...
Witloof: They can have all of it.
Meats : Not that great of a selection
Food in restaurants : Granted we usually eat at medium priced places but are usually quite disappointed.
Moules: Tastless, lacking any basic seasoning. I don't get it. I need some spice !
Blood sausage : No way
@hgngith: the quality of Belgian food (especially when dining out) depends on where you live, and on how much you're going to spend. Walking through the Rue des Bouchers in Brussels, dining in a regular Antwerp kitchen or tasting the latest dish in a local 3* Michelin elite restaurant will present you with entirely different views on Belgian food.
Come visit me and I'll share all my secrets and my jokes. Hey, I can even do the Doris Day thing, luv.
I will not, however, let you glimpse my hairy legs. I'll probably shave them to perfection. I know gay men have high standards, and I don't want to ruin my standing with my Antwerp fans. ; )
Do it Peter, just do it. You know you'd love it xo