Compost Studios

I am a writer, nature lover, budding artist, photography enthusiast, and creative spirit reducing, reusing, and recycling midlife experiences through narrative, art, photos, and poetry. 

I can be reached at:      

The Producers
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Copyright 2005-2013

Veronica McCabe Deschambault, V-Grrrl in the Middle, Compost StudiosTM

Content (text and images) may not be cut, pasted, copied, reproduced, channeled, or broadcast online without written permission. If you like it, link to it! Do not move my content off this site. Thank you!



All items reviewed on this site have been purchased and used by the writer. Sale of items via Amazon links generates credits that can be redeemed for online purchases by the site owner. 


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Contact me by e-mail for details. 

« Art Journal Entry #21 | Main | Learning to carry each other »

Arts and Crafts

For those of you visiting from Neil's online holiday arts and craft show, you can view pages from my art journal here.

I also make cards, and if you'd like to see samples, click here and here.

Thanks for coming by to see my work!

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Reader Comments (6)

I am just going to have to get Di Mackey to do some Belgian-based family photos. Love her work. And kudos to Neil for a cool idea!
November 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterExpat-CIT
Wishing you good sales. After the holidays, please tell us if you at least made enough to buy some new stamps!
November 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJen
<----wishes she had some sort of crafty grrrl talent.

GOOD luck V. sell away!!!!

<< hugs >>
November 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterClaudia
Actually, no plans to sell my work at present, but further down the line I may consider bundling cards and selling them.

Neil was "encouraging" me to get into sales, and I appreciate his vote of confidence.

If I head in that direction, I'll sell via this site. If you'd be interested in being notified if I decide to sell card bundles, let me know and I'll start a mailing list.
November 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterV-Grrrl
Down with Karl Marx! Up with Capitalism! Hey, if you can sell your art, I can put up some advertising.
December 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterNeil
Advertising! Advertising! Sophia would be proud, and I'd be touched. Give me a few months so I can get settled back in the land of the free and the entrepreneurial, and we'll make Karl Marx proud.

I remain as ever
Virtually yours.
December 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterV-Grrrl

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