Fast Forward

Last week I received my first fall catalog, and I was thrilled because even though summer isn't officially underway yet, I love fall clothes. Eddie Bauer was offering a sneak preview of their fall collection for middle-age fatsos select customers and offering free shipping and a 20 percent discount on all orders over $75 placed from the catalog by June 4. They didn't even have the new stuff on their Web site. Now don't I feel special gettin that catalog.
Needless to say, I was all over it with a packet of Post-it notes marking my favorites. While it's true Eddie IS my boyfriend, the real reason I couldn't resist ordering is that I much prefer fall and winter clothes to spring and summer ones.
Wool sweaters. Fleece. Hoodies. Boots. Turtlenecks. Leather.
All things brown, cranberry, and olive green.
I am a Grrrl who is all about cozy--and summer stuff just doesn't get me excited. Part of that is a reflection of my age--I don't have sleek, lightly tanned limbs to expose to the world--but part of it is just that I'm very tactile and I relish the textures of cold weather fashion.
So I pored over the catalog, making a wish list and chopping it down, trying to separate the "must haves" from the "maybes" and figure out what was worth investing in. I sent my order off two days ago.
Now I just have to get through the long, hot days I'll face in Virginia and Florida this summer, and solve the Southern Grrrl's dilemma of trying to stay cool while keeping my whale-belly white fair skin covered.
How about you? Do you like fall/winter clothes or spring/summer clothes better?
June 1, 2007
Reader Comments (18)
*some* of us are trying to convince ourselves that the stretched out, extra cusion, boob-like white belly we are schleping around is NOT THAT bad! I didn't come here to be told I was wrong, lady!
made me much more selective in what I wear.
Needless to say that summer wear is not my favourite.
Have fun in Florida/Virginia this summer!
Can you imagine what it did to this Belgian-based expat even thinking about Fall?
You should have mailed me privately, warning me to avoid reading this post. Fall isn't something I want to consider since it comes just before a Belgian winter and it's not even summer yet.
And thanks for the pics swirling like leaves in my mind, impy. What a visual. Mmmmmm, fall. 3 months and counting. Fall.
Peter--Appreciate your comment on gravity. (Don't you think it's so funny that John Mayer is singing about gravity? What the heck could he know about it?)
With VA heat and humidity already here, pondering fall clothes (and imagining cooler temps) isn't a bad thing at all!
Nearly 35 years later, I still get a thrill shopping for any and all items of fall clothing . . . except, for some odd reason, pleated plaid skirts!
Hey, my oldest is in Richmond right now going to Air Assault School. I asked him what it was like when he got there and he said it was hot like Houston. Of course, I doubt it feels like Houston once we hit July and August!
I read a funny line in a short story by Richard Beard over the weekend, something to the effect that having children makes whatever you wear look like pyjamas - you always look like you slept in your clothes. Well, it's true for me...