For my friends in Belgium

Do I look a little sad? It's because I need a home now that I've been rescued from Koekelberg in Belgium, an area notorious for exterminating cats. I'm a friendly male, neutered and vaccinated and looking for a lap to sit in. Can you help me find a permanent home? I am staying with Sylvie in Brussels, a devoted cat rescuer who has removed many cats from Koekelberg and arranged for their care. Sylvie is overwhelmed by the cats needing homes right now. For example, meet Chipie:
Chipie is a real girly girl. She's about 7 months old and is spayed, sociable, and easy going. However, being a typical female, she decides to whom she goes, especially at the beginning. I think she's waiting for the right person to love. Maybe one day she'll hook up with Mozart:
Mozart may be a little shy about making eye contact with the camera but he's a sweetie. Don't tell the other cats, but I think he is Martina's favorite. He's about two years old, neutered and vaccinated and oh-so-affectionate. Martina the Cat Lady says you can play baby with him. So much easier than having a real baby, yes? Give him the love (and the home) he deserves.
If you're interested in these cats or others, please e-mail or

Reader Comments (8)
E: "We don't need anymore pets! We don't need another cat!"
Me: "This isn't about us needing a cat. This is about a cat needing us!"
Guess Koekelberg (part of Brussels) is not a friendly place at all, not even for humans.
But they do look adorable, and yes, they do remind me of the fact that I just love cats.
We keep our cats indoors. I've had both indoor and outdoor cats. The outdoor cats always had health issues--abcesses, ear mites, illnesses. My beautiful calico, Tess, completely disappeared. After that, the cats I owned stayed indoors and were healthy and happy. If they've always been kept indoors, it's not an issue. I would never take an outdoor cat and confine it though.
Most of my friends keep their cats indoors, just like you do.
Dogs are great company, but cats suit my life style better.