One book, one album, one TV show

Mamatulip asked "If you were stranded on an island and could only have one book, one album and one TV show at your disposal, what would they be?"
The book. What I would really want is a blank book and a pen because I can't imagine being able to survive without writing. Really. I get all twitchy when I can't jot down the words, images, or thoughts that float through my head. I carry a notepad or journal with me everywhere.
The album. This is the most challenging. Would I want something smoky and bluesy like John Mellencamp's "Trouble No More" or Bonnie Raitt's "Nick of Time"? Maybe something rich in imagery and great melodies like Counting Crow's "Hard Candy" or John Mayer's "Heavier Things"? Or maybe classic rock and roll from Bruce Springsteen? I reserve the right to change my mind, but today I'm picking Sheryl Crow and Friends: Live from Central Park. The guest artists include Eric Clapton, the Dixie Chicks, Chrissie Hynde, Sarah McLachlan, Bill Murray, Stevie Nicks, and Keith Richards. Good stuff--energizing.
As for the TV show, well I haven't had network or cable TV in my home since I was 18 (which as y'all know, was a looooooong time ago). I do occasionally watch TV shows on DVD, so I guess I'd pick Grey's Anatomy.
Y'all add your choices to the comments section: one book, one album, one TV show.
August 17, 2007

Reader Comments (7)
Album: Difficult choice, but it would have to be either The Beatles' "Abbey Road," or Elvis Costello's "This Year's Model."
TV Show: Probably Seinfeld.
Album: I initially thought Eric Clapton's "Pilgrim", but the lyrics are too tortured for the desert island scene. I'm going with Bill Withers' "Lean on Me -- The Best of Bill Withers". I could definitely listen to him sing "Lovely Day" for all eternity.
TV Show: I don't watch much TV, but I have watched the DVDs of the first two seasons of Grey's Anatomy and I've fallen for Derek Shepherd. I'm with you on choosing Grey's Anatomy...if only to watch McDreamy.
Album : that's tough, this changes for me a lot. Rolling Stones Exile on Mail Street possibly, the Beatles White Album maybe, hmm...
TV Show : Curb Your Enthusiasm - either that or Arrested Development
Album: If I left today, it would have to be "All the Road Running." (Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris)
TV show: "The West Wing" . . . The DVD gift box set with all seven seasons.
Album...hmm. I'd take a mixed CD with me with songs from The Beatles, Pavement, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Beastie Boys...etc. It's cheating, I know. But damn, I asked a hard question.
TV show? Easy. Jeopardy!, because I'd want my mind to stay relatively sharp.
Album...yikes. I'm to the point where I don't even listen to music anymore because I crave the silence. Maybe the Moody Blues "Days of Future Passed".
Finally, TV show. Tough one. I love to laugh, and I also like intelligent writing. Tossup between The Office and Seinfeld. Probably have to choose Seinfeld right now because there are more of them, yet I know them so intimately because I have been watching them faithfully since day one that The Office might bore me less soon.
Tough question.
Music--Robert Palmer, Pressure Drop ... always makes me move and feel good about life.
TV--Saturday Night Live ... okay, they miss the mark many times and I leave the room or fast forward if I've taped it, but when they hit the mark with political spoofs and such, the laughs are the very best.