My horoscope is ringing true

According to Holiday Mathis, this is my birthday horoscope:
"You've set your sights on a different kind of life this year, and the improved version is quickly coming into view. The closer you get to your goal, the more there is to do. This is the pathway to greatness, and you 're willing to do what it takes. Supportive team members come into your life in February. May brings money. Libra and Scorpio adore you."
And today's horoscope:
There's a Spanish proverb that states, "Since I wronged you, I have never liked you." Don't assume you've done something to create waves in a relationship. It could very well be the other person.
I only check my horoscope occasionally but today's is right on the money. Do you ever check yours? How accurate does it seem?

Reader Comments (14)
One was close: "You will make a major purchase" - right on: I bought a new car yesterday.
Must blog about that: I selected a model that is not listed in the "gay cars of the year" line-up ;-)
I guess I've always been a believer that we are tied deeply to the energy of the universe, whatever form it takes. So horoscopes, maybe or maybe not, but it is fun to consider the possibilities.
So good to see you here! I've missed you.
Maybe I could do your chart sometime, if you want. Just for fun.I just did one for another blogging friend, and she liked it. :)
ox :)
So, sorry I'm late, but I hope it was a happy day!