Compost Studios

I am a writer, nature lover, budding artist, photography enthusiast, and creative spirit reducing, reusing, and recycling midlife experiences through narrative, art, photos, and poetry. 

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Veronica McCabe Deschambault, V-Grrrl in the Middle, Compost StudiosTM

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« What's a Grrrl to do? | Main | Christmas Lessons »

On the day after Christmas, I

Slept until 8:40 a.m. and noticed when I got up that it was so dark and dim outside that the streetlights were still on, so it's no surprise I

Stayed in my bathrobe until 3 p.m., when I changed into grey sweats to match the day, and

Realized I'd forgotten to brush my teeth in the morning, but oh well, I'm only

Doing one load of laundry, and

Answering all the e-mails backed up in my inbox, and

Doing an online interview with a scrapbooking magazine in Australia for an article on scrapbooking in Belgium, which seems like a weird topic to me but being part of the article makes me feel I'm a more advanced scrapbooker than I really am and it got me in the mood for

Starting to put 18 months worth of photos in albums, which had me

Marveling over how much my kids have grown up in the two years we've been here in Europe, and

Wondering how we'll fit back into our old life in America, and

Debating whether we'd be better off staying in Belgium, which is too big and complex a decision to consider on a holiday, so I

Decided to mindlessly browse scrapbooking and stamping sites, and

Visit new blogs, and

Download Christmas photos from the camera, and

Pick up some of the Christmas clutter lingering in the living room, and

Have yet another cup of tea,

Go through my magazine rack, and

Post an entry on my blog about all the nothing I did today.

December 26, 2006

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Reader Comments (10)

Look, I don't call one load of laundry and picking up litter doing nothing! Let's give a little credit here.
December 26, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterLinda Freedman (therapydoc)
Yes, but ahhh, the sweet nothings. We're blessed to have this luxury, don't you think? :) I know I am.
December 26, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterLisa
I think this sounds like a pretty good day after Christmas, actually!
December 26, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMary-LUE
Doing the same. My girls made me a photo album of the two of them. My best present...4:01pm in Denver..and I'm not moving....the girls asked about going to the mall..I growled, and they shut my door!
December 26, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterwendy
Perfect Boxing Day activities, I am having much the same sort of day.
December 26, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterOrtizzle
Ha. i did more nothing than you did. I did no laundry.No cleaning. AND the kids and I are all STILL in our jammies, and it is seven pm. I just put them to bed. LOL
Ah. Good day.

December 26, 2006 | Unregistered Commenteramber
We did some cleaning up here too. Most of the gifts are put away. It sounds like you had a wonderful day. Hope the rest of hte week is as peaceful.
December 26, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAnnie
Sounds like my day. I just couldn't get motivated to get much done!
December 27, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterChar
Love love love this post!
December 27, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterbrooke
You know, a day of not much is good for you. I sorta had one of those days yesterday too. Take no shame in accomplishing little.
December 27, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterfuriousBall

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