Oh, oh, oh!

Only a week ago, THIS was my story. Life without the Big Os.
Enter JMo, a new reader who tracked down a NY bagel company that ships bagels internationally and offered to treat me to two dozen.
I was blown away by his graciousness and generosity. He made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. So over the weekend, we worked out details and my bagels left NY on a plane on Tuesday night. I was embarrassed how excited I was. When I woke in the night, I thought, “My bagels are somewhere over the Atlantic.”
Wednesday night, JMo sent me message telling me he’d checked on the bagels’ location, and they were now in Paris.
Damn, if I knew my bagels were going to Paris, I would have offered to meet them there!
The FedEx tracking page estimated delivery time at noon.
All morning, I tried not to obsess over the bagels, but I couldn’t help myself. I checked the tracking page: they were on the truck, somewhere in Belgium. Every time I heard a car door, I rushed to the window.
By 11:20 I was getting pretty hungry, but I didn’t want to snack because I was saving all my love for the bagels.
11:30 a.m. I hear the squeak of truck brakes. I’m flinging open my door before the guy has even started toward the house.
He looked like a New Yorker, had that stocky Italian build, olive skin, hairy chest, and thinning black hair combed straight back, He spoke English and was the perfect bagel delivery man.
As soon as he handed me the box, I got a whiff of the onion bagels. Heavenly.
Moments later, a cinnamon raisin JMo bagel was sliced and toasting and the kettle was boiling to make a cup of B-List Blogger tea. The butter was already softened and ready to spread.
On a drizzly, gray Belgian day, life never seemed sweeter.
Thanks JMo for putting a smile on my face and bagels in my freezer. This blog’s for you!

Reader Comments (8)
Ah, the bagel. Here in the midwest there's a chain of grocery stores called The Apple Market that made the BEST cinnamon-apple bagels. That wonderful chewy texture, and the cinnamon-apple bits had just a bit of crunch to them. Oh, dear Lord. I could wolf down two of them for breakfast (and often did). Can anyone say eight-pound weight gain in six months?
Enjoy your bits of heaven!