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Veronica McCabe Deschambault, V-Grrrl in the Middle, Compost StudiosTM

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The trash picker and the shoe whore

Tomorrow is “Big Trash” day and Mr. A is already cruising the neighborhood looking for stuff to reuse or recycle in his summer “projects.” In June, he rescued some wooden blinds from the end of our neighbor’s driveway and over the summer used them on a variety of projects.

They were the perfect width to be carved into sword blades and receive a cardboard handle and a covering of foil. The blind slats had some natural spring and bend to them which Mr. A harnessed when he made a bow and arrow set, using recycled PVC pipe scraps for arrows.

Perhaps his greatest creation was his three-way catapult featuring blind slats mounted on a wooden box with small plastic cups nailed to the ends. Not only can they can be pressed back and released, sending the sponge marbles Mr. A made out of Model Magic flying, but you can also store extra ammunition INSIDE the box. He attached wheels and a handle to the box so it can be hauled from place to place like a piece of luggage.

Super cool. I try to think of Mr. A as a budding engineer and not as a weapons-crazed evil genius. I am his mother you know. It’s my job to see the best in all that he does. He is not a future war-monger, he is an up and coming physicist and inventor.

Meanwhile, E-Grrrl is in heaven with a different sort of recycling project. Her friend’s mother is going through her enormous shoe collection and showering E-Grrrl with her cast-offs. Mind you, E-Grrrl is not quite nine years old but is big for her age. Because she’s my darling daughter, I won’t say, “My God she has freakishly large feet.” But, ahem, y’all get my drift. Her friend’s mom, on the other hand, is one of those petite brunettes in her 40s that can buy her clothes in the juniors department, the sort of woman who could guest star on Desperate Housewives. (The sort of woman who makes me, at 5’7”, feel like a freaking amazon warrior.) Her size 6.5 shoes actually fit E-Grrrl, who is a complete shoe whore and thinks clicking through is better than watching a Hillary Duff movie and let me tell you, she loves Hillary Duff. (Yeah, I know, it's embarrassing. My Grrrl! Hillary Duff! What can I say? I once loved David Cassidy. I cannot cast stones.)

About half of the shoes dropped off at the house are fine for E-Grrrl to wear—they’re clogs and mod loafers with wedge soles. Now the others would be OK if E-Grrrl were meeting her third-grade pals for cocktails or going on a job interview. (What type of job would she interview for? Shoe buyer for a department store, of course!) She puts on these high-heeled pumps and sandals and struts across the ceramic floors, pivoting with aplomb at the end of her imaginary runway even as she wobbles a bit on the spiked heels.

Click, clack, click, clack, click , clack.

“Oh Mama,” she exclaims, “isn’t that simply the BEST sound in the world?”

Oh Mama indeed.

I let her keep the black and white polka dot pumps—just for the fun of it.

August 6, 2006

© 2006 Veronica McCabe Deschambault. All rights reserved.

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Reader Comments (7)

Love E-Girl! I always the loved the click clack of high heels. And, my son has bought two pair of shoes through Zappos (free shipping!).

I think Mr. A is amazing in his inventiveness and foresight. And, its a fine line between evil genius and inventor anyway. As I recommend to my young warrios "Use the force for good."

P.S. my husband used to make swords out of old fence slats. We eventually had to outfit the entire neighborhood.
August 6, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDebbie
When I was in grade school, my friend's mom used to let us play in her shoes. She wore a size 5. And wore the absolute best high heels. I think that greatly influenced my love of shoes. I'm so glad you let her keep the pumps.

As for your engineer, as long as he's not using his creations to wage war on the neighbors, I wouldn't worrry about it. At least he isn't blowing anything up.
August 6, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAnnie
If Mr. A starts making sinister evil-scientist cackles from his laboratory -I mean playroom, don't worry. He's being creative. From my experience, it's when they don't make any noise at all that's usually suspicious.

I remember when I used to put on my mom's high heels and wonder what it would be like to "grown up".
Now that I AM grown up (and then some) I avoid high heels like supermodels avoid eating. My feet somehow manage to look "pudgier" when crammed in high-heels. Tres non-chic.

David Cassidy... *sigh* Those were great idol hair-days.
August 6, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterFlubberwinkle
Love E-Girls addiction to shoes!! So very cute!!
August 7, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterJavacurls
Oh, Lord, you just took me back to summer days when I was about E-Grrrl's age, and Mom used to take me along with her on rummage sale bargain hunts. I LOVED to sort through the ladies' shoes and handbags. On occasion, Mom would splurge a dime or quarter to get me a pair. My favorite were a pair of yellow high-heeled sling-backs. With matching bag. Sigh.
August 7, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAngela
LOL! I have a budding shoe whore, as well. I say "budding", because she is only two, after all. So funny. My MIL bought her a BAG full of about ten pairs of those little plastic girl highheal shoes, and she also loves the sound of the clopping! Ahhh, girls.

Your little man sound like an amazing kid! How great that he is finding ways to create fun for himself. I think few kids in America still do that. That is great!

August 7, 2006 | Unregistered Commenteramber
Sigh. When I was E's age, I coveted our diminutive babysitter's wooden heeled Candies. They fit me perfectly and I thought I looked sophisticated and not at all like Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver ;o)
August 7, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterTB

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