Good things

E-Grrrl was doing her homework and I was down folding laundry in the basement when I heard her holler, "Mama! Mama! Come quick!"
The urgency in her voice was alarming, but when I bounded up the stairs, she had the camera in her hand and said, "Look! Look! Look! A rainbow!"
She was so excited and I stood at her side until the light shifted and the colors faded away.
She commented on how magical it was, all those colors! I reminded her that the colors are there always, in every bit of light, but we just don't see them until conditions are right.
Life is like that too. Here's a short list of ordinary things that colored my day:
- the satisfying snap of pistachio shells opening and dropping a crunchy salty nut in my hand
- having E-Grrrl tell me "When you wear that shirt and those boots, you look ten years younger!"
- using a heat gun and embossing powder to magically make gold Christmas trees bloom on a piece of cardstock
- the delicious feeling of having my hair shampooed and conditioned before my haircut at the salon
- getting a long awaited package from LL Bean containing, among other things, a hot pink down vest and black berber fleece vest ( I am ALL about vests in the winter, y'all)
- realizing yet again how much my achey back loves the heated seats in my car
- the smell of freshly laundered flannel sheets and blankets
- big hugs and lots of thank yous from my son
- sharing a Snickers bar with my daughter
- laughing out loud over a story about a bus driver who was using a GPS system to drive 50 British tourists to Lille, France. They ended up in Lille, Belgium instead--four hours away from their intended destination
- enjoying more than one glass of Slovenian white wine, made by friends who own a farm and vineyard there. This wine tastes like the grape, not like the oak cask--better than good.
What colored your world today?
December 13, 2007

Reader Comments (12)
My s/o offered me one red rose :-)
Having my son's medical testing (and first time under anesthesia) go uneventfully and professionally, and having him sincerely grateful for me taking him and being there for him. Sharing jokes and silliness when he was in recovery. He thinks his doctor, Dr. Wong, is Data from The Goonies, all grown up, but still hyper/animated and still showing his love of gadgets. Too funny, but he is very accurate in matching up the two ... Dr. Wong's age is about right, too ;-) .
Saving $50 on groceries with coupons and frequent shopper card and having a "relaxing" visit to the grocery store (usually my nemesis) after dinner after procrastinating going for a good week.
Having a service person cancel his visit tomorrow, which means I can work and make up time off today and also attend a work Christmas party :-).
Having our cats, Huckleberry and Marble, released from home quarantine after being exposed to a rabid raccoon in our yard 60 days ago.
Being amused as I watched the local color at a well-known barbecue place as I waited for a "to go" order.
Enjoying Bailey's on the rocks and then a nap after getting home from the hospital. (Sleep deprived after an all nighter at the ER earlier this week, so the nap was especially wonderful.)
Picking up a unique gift from the printers for my MIL that will surprise and delight her.
Regarding your day's highlights, what a wondrous thing that E-grrrl fully appreciates rainbows. They are special blessings in my opinion. I once arrived at work to see a double rainbow. I went into work excitedly telling everyone about it. Of 30 people, only ONE came outside to take a look. The picture is lovely ... something you'll treasure forever I bet. I LOVE the shampoo at the hair salon ... I never want them to stop. Ooh, the vests sound wonderful! Hot pink is my fave and the Berber fleece sounds so comfy and warm.
-Listening to my younger daughter and her friend play out the Christmas story. Shouts daughter, very convincingly: Joseph! Joseph! Aaghh! I think I'm having a baby!
-Writing out Christmas cards and realizing how many wonderful friends we have.
-Hugs from the older daughter with whom I've been struggling a bit this week. (I think I won.)
Enjoying the relationship I have with my birth-mother. We drink wine and joke around, "hmmm, this wine has a hint of grape." (Because no one ever says wine tastes like grapes!)
Yes, you can tell I have a sophisticated palate--I like my wine to taste like it was made from fruit and not wood preservative. Hate the oak taste--bleah!
One of my favorite memories is my kids playing out the Christmas story when they were small.
E-Grrrl did me proud when she barked at her brother who was playing "Joseph:"
"I don't see why I have to go to Bethlehem too. Can't you pay the taxes by yourself? I want to stay home with Elizabeth!"
Clearly she inherited her mother's disdain for bureaucracy.