Compost Studios

I am a writer, nature lover, budding artist, photography enthusiast, and creative spirit reducing, reusing, and recycling midlife experiences through narrative, art, photos, and poetry. 

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Veronica McCabe Deschambault, V-Grrrl in the Middle, Compost StudiosTM

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« All About Monday | Main | Looking ahead »

Am I really wishing away a long weekend?

I’m going a bit stir crazy with the long weekend. With E in Florida, I’m flying solo with the kids, and we have too much time on our hands.

Friday afternoon I was at their school watching the teachers fly out the door at EXACTLY 3 p.m., many ready to hit the road and grab a weekend of skiing in Austria or Germany. Lots of parents had pulled their kids from school earlier in the week and left for exotic locations. With nothing exciting on the schedule, all I’ve heard since Friday is “Can so-and-so come over?” and “What’s for snack?” and “What can we do now?”

We could do cooking or art projects, play a board game, take a walk, kick a soccer ball, throw a frisbee, and get out of the house. But somehow, we don’t, trapped by February’s pervasive malaise.

To compensate Mr. A and E-Grrrl have invited a non-stop stream of friends over to keep things moving. Even though things have gone smoothly, I’m not really good dealing with groups of kids that are not my own. I’m not the kind of mom who easily organizes games and crafts, bakes cookies, or sets extra plates with a smile. I tend to be quickly overwhelmed by short attention spans, loud voices, and messes that sprawl from one room to the next. Still, I can suck it up if I’m not tired, or I have something to look forward to for myself. That’s not the case right now.

Last weekend was overflowing with social commitments: Friday night I got together with the stamping and scrapbooking crowd, Saturday we spent the afternoon with E’s Belgian aunt, Sunday the kids participated in a family service at church and we spent Sunday afternoon with E’s Belgian cousins, and Sunday night my Bunco group met to gossip and throw dice.

This weekend, it’s just a lot of nothing for me and a whole lot of entertaining my kids and their friends.

Really, I’m trying to make good use of my time: I’m doing laundry, cleaning, making cards, and thinking about organizing photos, but the truth is I’m more than a little bored and desperate for adult company.

And there’s still Monday to face.


February 18, 2007

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Reader Comments (4)

I am right there with you as we have had our kids home since Wednesday due to weather and now they will be off Monday, too. Had I known we would have 6 days off - in a a row - we could have packed up and gone somewhere warm.

Mr. P is out of town - the whole family was supposed to go but the dog got sick and can't be around other animals. So it is just me, three kids, the cold and icy yard, and the never ending whine of "can I have so and so over".

I want my me time too.
February 18, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterChar
Aaaarrrggghhh!! How many computers do you have? ;-)

I think it's around this time I would say, "I'm not in charge of entertaining you! You have books, paper, art supplies, each other and all kinds of stuff. And an imagination. Go do something and leave me alone." I remember those days with two boys at these ages.

How did our parents ever survive all of us during summer vacation without all the electronic gadgetry our kids have now? Bless them!
February 18, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterNance
I would be limiting the number of kids invited over. I get very precious of our 'holiday' time. We don't usually have kids over except for a few set times and that helps me to stay sane.

Our spring break holiday is not until the 24th. I'm just looking forward to a week of being able to get up a bit later and having NO sporting commitments - yay for a week free from football!
February 18, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAsh
Well, it's past lunchtime on Monday your time... I hope you're surviving and finding some time for yourself too!
February 19, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTB

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