Looking ahead
When E was offered a job overseas, I knew taking it would advance his career and put mine in limbo. A former journalist and editor, I had moved into PR writing after my son was born and worked part time from home.
I worked as a contract employee for a small PR agency, collaborating with consultants, strategists, media experts, event planners, marketers, writers, and designers. I enjoyed my work and my colleagues, and learned a lot from my clients, but after ten years, I was ready to re-charge my batteries. Moving to Belgium was the ultimate opportunity to break out of my comfort zone, take a sabbatical from business writing, and explore other creative opportunities.
Two years into my adventure, I’ve launched two blogs, pursued some hobbies, traveled across Western Europe, done some pro bono PR work, and expanded my network of friends and acquaintances online. Now it’s time to ask myself, what’s next?
We’re scheduled to move back to the U.S. in the summer of 2008. What then? Where does my new-and-improved self fit into the working world? What do I write and who do I write for? What do I have to offer clients that I didn’t have to offer before? What might I have I missed living abroad? What have I gained? And how does the entire expat experience translate into career benefits?
These are questions that are surfacing on my radar as I look ahead to resuming my professional writing career. Today I clicked over to Technorati looking for blogs on PR writing and marketing. It’s time to start wandering out of the coffee shop in my corner of the blogosphere and meet some of the folks occupying offices. What’s hot in communications? What strategies are proving to be effective in the changing PR landscape and what’s old news? Blogging jump started my creativity and took my writing to a new level, now it’s time to see where it might take my career.
Copyright 2007 Veronica McCabe Deschambault. All rights reserved.
February 15, 2007
Reader Comments (15)
Thanks for the votes of confidence.
Your ex-pat experience: enough to broaden your horizons, but not so much that the culture shock is killing you (It took me a long time to jump-start my life again after 24 years of living overseas.)
Meantime: enjoy your overseas sojourn. There will be things you miss when you are back Stateside.