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Veronica McCabe Deschambault, V-Grrrl in the Middle, Compost StudiosTM

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There was a certain Grrrl....

Photo by Di Mackey

Who had a little curl

Right in the middle of her forehead.

When she was good,

She was very, very  good,

And when she was bad,

She was horrid.


Di managed to capture both sides of the Grrrl today. Behind the smiles, there's a hint of something more--my "naughty" side, she calls it. Why am I blushing? Only Di knows...


























Images copyright 2007 Di Mackey Photography. All rights reserved.

There's more of Di's work in my online Photo Album and at her Web site,

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Reader Comments (22)

That is a beautiful picture of a beautiful woman. No more posts about how you're not happy with bits of how you look - you're gorgeous, Grrrl!
April 3, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterplatypus
You have such strong features. Your angles photograph very well. Very confident. Good's not easy to be the subject.
April 3, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterwendy
Thanks Platy...

Wendy, Di discovered this angle when she perched on a ladder and put me on the floor. The pleasant surprise was the lovely diagonal lines the floorboards created behind me.
April 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterV-Grrrl
Absolutely stunning!

Sooooo? What's the story behind the blushing? Do tell.
April 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterFlubberwinklle
You look absolutely beautiful!! Love that photo!
April 3, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterjavacurls
My mom used to say that to me when I was a little girl and I'd laugh and laugh! Thank-you for jogging my memory! Your curls are lovely!
April 3, 2007 | Unregistered Commenternina
You are a beautiful woman! I hope you know this.
April 3, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterwordgirl
You have such a warm face -- your eyes are so warm, your smile so are beautiful.

(And. Totally off topic, but "Gassy not Classy"? BRILLIANT, V. I laughed so hard I nearly tooted when I read that.)
April 4, 2007 | Unregistered Commentermamatulip
Ah yes, Mama T., the "gassy not classy" comment I left would definitely fall under the "naughty" side of the equation.

And thanks to all of you for the compliments says The Blushing One.
April 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterV-Grrrl
Absolutely stunning! The fact that Di went "out on a limb" to get the right angle speaks a lot for her talent.
April 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterChar
Aren't you just lovely! You remind me of a very dear friend of mine. Also really wish I had hair like yours. Mine is the pits.
April 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAngela
Lol, thanks Char but she's worth it, isn't she :)

I did smile when I read the 'out on a limb' comment.

We were lucky, now I'm a granny it occured to me that if I had fallen, it would have been a broken hip for sure ... two expats and it might have gone something like 'what do you call to get an ambulance, where do you live, and what is all that in Dutch'.
April 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDi
Great pics, you do look a little mischievous there.
April 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterfuriousBall

I know what to do if a photographer falls--first catch the camera!

Then you dial 100 and pull your Dutch phrase dictionary out and start looking for the ever-so-common tourist phrase: "I think granny broke her hip!" I'm sure it's in there next to "Where is the train station?" and "I would like a drink of water, please."
April 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterV-Grrrl
Great pic!
April 4, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterbice
What a lovely, lovely brown-eyed grrrl! Your friend has done a beautiful job of capturing so many expressions in one photo. Kudos!

P.S. I left you a response in the comment section of my April Fool's Day blog. :-)
April 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterOrtizzle
That is a gorgeous picture of you. I see that devil in your eyes. The long grey winter doesn't seem to have damaged your inner light.
April 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnnie
I agree wtih everyone else--fabulous picture! I love the joy captured in your face. You and your family can treasure this picture forever. Wonderful that you incorporated it into your site! Readers will feel like they know you right away :-) .
April 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterShirley
Wonderful picture -- beautiful subject. So great to see you!!

And kudos to Di for her excellent photography.
April 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterNancy
Beautiful! You look beautiful. And these look like a pic for the back cover of a book! (hint hint)

*sigh* I love your curly hair.

April 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAmber

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