Attention makers of Nair--you are not my friends

On Saturday night I decided to grease up with the new and improved cocoa butter-laced Nair so I could skip shaving my legs in the shower and save some hot water. (Al Gore LOVES me, y'all).
Not only would I be saving water, but while the Nair was doing its job of dissolving unwanted hair and leaving my legs silky smooth and sexy, I could be working on buffing my heels and trimming my nails so that all the soft and lovely goodness of my legs would not end with icky feet. It's the weekend and I want the top to bottom beauty treatment! I'm a multi-tasking, high maintenance Grrrl.
I shook the bottle. I read that you were not supposed to leave the Nair on your skin for more than 10 minutes, and I dutifully checked my watch. Then I slathered that vile stinky yellow lotion all over my legs and started counting down the minutes to smooth and sexy while pampering my sweet not-so-little feet.
After a few minutes, my legs felt tingly. I was not alarmed. I've used Nair before. I'm a pro. I know if you rinse off too early you end up with horrid half-dissolved stubble and have to shave anyway. Y'all, I am NOT shaving tonight. I promised Al I'd save the environment. I'm waiting until the 10 minute mark.
Tingle. Tingle. Tingle.
Ten minutes. I jump in the shower and rinse, and I use a washcloth to make sure I leave no Nair and no hair behind. I am an overachiever.
Tingle. Tingle, Tingle.
The legs look a little blotchy. Oh well. I use baby lotion all over them figuring it's super gentle and soothing. So smooth, so soft, the color will get better I'm sure. I go to bed.
Sunday morning I wake not to silky soft, smooth and sexy legs but splotchy, blotchy, wildly itchy legs. Covered with red, itchy bumps, I look like I served as an all night diner for a billion mosquitos. But since only my legs are affected and I was wearing pajama pants, I know these aren't bug bites of any kind.
Oh no! I've been visited under cover of darkness by the Nair Witch! (Didn't they make a movie about her, y'all--the Nair Witch Project?)
She cast a mean and evil spell on me. For two days, I've been hemmin' and hawin' and scratchin' my legs like a hound dog. If I were more flexible, I'd probably gnaw on the itchiest spots. My legs have that pinky, purple opalescent look of frozen chicken pieces and now are sporting some stubble as well.
What happened to smooth, silky and sexy?
Ewww. They look like a picture in a dermatology textbook. It will be days before I can shave, and by then I'll be as hairy as Wilmer Valderama.
Al Gore, I have one thing to say to you: you are NOT my boyfriend. From here on out, I'm all about hot showers and Daisy shavers. Some hairy bitch can save the world instead.
And that evil Nair potion? On its way to the landfill. I'm sure it will eat through its own container, corrode the landfill liner, and contaminate the water supply eventually. Sorry, y'all. My intentions WERE good and we all know where good intentions take you. Straight to .....
Ever the itchy, red, and pimply,
May 21, 2007

Reader Comments (16)
Totally laughing here....
I guess this will not be the week you buy summer skirts. Hope the itching has subsided!
I normally don't have super sensitive skin, but there is one particular cosmetic ingredient that just eats me up. I have no idea what it *is*, but I do know that it is [ironically] in products for sensitive skin. Also in Dove shower gel. The first time I ever tried Dove shower gel, and gained the above knowledge, it involved an extremely [retrospectively] comical shaving incident, similar to what you described, except I wasn't shaving my *legs* at the time. Ahem.
Me: hm. this smells pleasant, and it's nice and smooth for shaving...
That stuff is like napalm, I swear. I sympathize totally with you, grrrl. I hope your legs feel better soon!
I will also stick to shaving.
But then it was just all about you and your hairy, pimply arms and hey, THAT I can deal with. : )
Signed: The Grrrl with the Hairy, Pimply Legs
Hairy's not so bad..I mean for your legs.
try some aloe.