I don't need this

What's worse than going into the bathroom and seeing that someone has used the last scrap of toilet paper and not replaced the roll? Looking at the toilet and seeing that it is covered with, how shall I say this delicately, fecal matter.
Yes, it looked like there was an explosion in a septic tank in there. Of course, no one named E-Grrrl or A has any idea what happened. Nope. They hear no evil, see no evil, do no evil.
Apparently they also do not SEE the toilet brush, spray bottle of disinfectant, and the flushable cleaning wipes sitting RIGHT NEXT TO THE TOILET, ready to assist with any and all unexpected bathroom crises.
No, in our house, when crap happens, we ignore the problem. When confronted with a bunch of it, we deny, deny, deny. Then we conveniently LEAVE IT THERE for someone else to deal with. [Go ahead and say: "Just like they do in Washington, V-Grrrl!"]
Good grief.
Pass the bleach.
Pass the Lysol.
Pass the rubber gloves.
Pass me a margarita while I write up an ad for eBay:
For Sale: Two children, slightly used....
May 22, 2007

Reader Comments (12)
Perhaps we could put all 5 of them up on eBay as a lot-- as is. Dirty bums, crusty noses and all. They're all still pretty cute... maybe someone could make one of those preteen family bands out of them.
p.s. My husband does this constantly therefore my toilet seat is one of the cleanest things in the house. *gag* At least your children can blame it on the fact they're children.
We should move in together! : )