Black is supposed to be slimming

Earlier this week Pete went to the vet to get vaccinations and the passport he'll need to fly out of the country in March. Yes, he had to get a passport to LEAVE Belgium. The U.S. doesn't require it to enter the country, and our dear departed Amy didn't need one to enter Belgium in 2005 but Pete needs one to leave. Go figure.
The vet checking out my glossy black cat noted that he was "overweight." He weighs 6.5 kilos.
Does this coat make me look fat? Maybe I should suck my stomach in?
The vet says he needs more exercise, which is why Petey has been hitting the gym.
I'd rather be kickboxing! Will this flatten my abs?
Pete has been on light cat food since he was neutered last March, but apparently he eats too much of it. He's like a woman who binges on Snackwells.
Dr. Get Thin said I shouldn't put Petey's food into a bowl but instead hide little kibbles of it all over the house so he has to "hunt" for it. No more rolling off the sofa and grabbing a snack in the kitchen. Nooooo! Now he has to work for every bite that goes into his mouth.
"Where's my food? If I lie down next to my bowl, will it magically appear?"
His friends Sylvie and Martina, the women who saved his life when he was a kitten, hated the idea of Pete hunting for his food and staged an intervention. They saw him when he was only a scrap of feline fur, and now it brings them great joy to know he's "fat and happy." They sent salmon terrine to show their love. No more hunting for light food nuggets!
Thanks Sylvie and Martina!
Sylvie and Martina have rescued many, many cats in Brussels and continue to place neutered/spayed and vaccinated pets into people's homes. If you're in the Brussels area and are interested in adopting a cat, contact me and I'll put you in touch with these lovely, kind-hearted and generous souls. (You can also follow this link which has contact info.)
February 8, 2008

Reader Comments (12)
gee, suddenly i am reminded of my childhood. is this how my mom felt?!
As for the passport issue: much like America distrusts anyone trying to enter the USA ("what's your business here" + a full body search when not 'compliant'), Belgium cannot believe anyone would like to leave this amazing country.
Aren't these waves of distrust disconcerting to the regular air traveler? I mean, having to show my personal toilet items [yes, some are very 'weird'] in see-through plastic bags has stopped me from booking that dead cheap 300 Euro all-in package vacation to the Mediterranean sun.
As for Pete: he reminds of one of my cats from a passed life. Kept on eating until I imposed very strict daily portions. Pete will have a great life in Va.
You know V, downtown living has its good-great-bad-very bad moments, but not being able to own a dog is a pain (a cat just doesn't work for me).
Wish I could get myself a border collie and start the day with a brisk run in a country lane.
We brought our cats from the US to the UK -- and had to get kitty passports to do so. Honestly, it was more hassle to get them over here than it was to get ourselves here... Hope Petey travels well and safely to his new home in the US!