Karma is a bitch

So, two days after posting about the madness of Belgian drivers we were involved in a car accident that was, um, entirely our fault. I suppose we had it coming. Altogether now: bad Americans! Bad, bad, bad Americans!
E was driving and we were approaching an intersection with a major thoroughfare, and we needed to turn right onto it. There was a Yield sign at the intersection, and E was busy looking to the left to confirm the way was indeed clear so he could turn right. When he glanced back to his lane, he saw the car in front of him had come to a stop. He hit the brakes hard and our new Volvo smacked right into the back of a young woman's Citroen.
She was attractive in a low key way and very calm. She didn't go ballistic or cry, and thank God, she spoke English. She and E quietly inspected the damage on their respective cars, filled out paperwork, exchanged IDs and insurance info, and waited for the police to arrive. It took a while for them to show up, but they were nice guys who cheerfully administered breathalizers to E and the young woman. They told E there are a lot of accidents at that intersection because people often come to a full stop even when there aren't cars on the road simply because they have to be sure there aren't bikes on the bike path.
Neither car was heavily damaged, but we all have the stiff necks and mild headaches that come with whiplash.
After the accident, we went to the movies and saw the completely ridiculous Mr. Bean goes on Holiday. E-Grrrl loved it. It's a very silly, slapstick sort of comedy. The perfect post-accident entertainment. Pass the sugar popcorn, please.
So the weekend comes to a close and Monday looms with calls to our insurer and the chiropractor, and the kids telling all their friends at school about Dad's Accident. Of course, I'm much more discreet. I'm not telling ANYONE.
May 13, 2007

Reader Comments (8)
I'm so glad nobody was hurt. What a hassle!